true Christian

In this age, Christianity is facing challenges, especially in pretending to be true Christian. In Christian society, this pretending has also been considered normal. Most of us are, of course, Christians, but we are not ready to stop and think not to lie, fornicate, corrupt, and so on. We take every evil activity as normal.

Simultaneously, in the church, we are on the front lines, considering ourselves as God-pleasing servants. As I have mentioned, for these activities taken as normal, the generation even does not know what character a Christian should put on.

We do not know what a true Christian profile looks like. In this essay, we will pick out the nature of a true Christian profile.

The true nature of a Christian profile is surrendering to the gospel

Paul tries to tell us that preaching the good news is beyond voluntariness; it is a matter of saving those who are going to heal and not. Sometimes me and my friend ask each other the question, “Why do we feel okay while most Christians are going to die before knowing Jesus as their savior?”


Then we blame ourselves and conclude that we are not still surrendering ourselves to the gospel. Most of us do not care whether people are hearing about Jesus or not. The true profile of a Christian does not mean decorating our Sundays by wearing suits and singing, dancing, giving offerings, and so on.

It has a measuring tape; it begins with surrendering to the gospel. 1Cor 9:16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory in; for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel!

When we say preaching the gospel is an element of the true nature of Christianity, it is because preaching the good news is an order of Jesus himself and our calling (Matthew 28:19–20).

Surrendering ourselves to the gospel is the building block of Christianity. So the big question that blocks our vision is: which gospel should we preach?

According to the Bible, there are two types of gospel. Both were preached and still have been fighting each other, making the generation’s belief a battlefield. Paul boldly states that the “strange gospel” was perverting the gospel of Christ (Gal 1:7).

Besides, he was asking the Galatians, who bewitched them, not to focus on the true gospel (Galatian 3:1). These all depict that the strange gospel was aggressively acting on the Christ gospel.

The problem is that this strange gospel is still here in the church; however, it has been making evolutionary changes to its look and ideology with each era. Therefore, as a Christian, I need to know what type of gospel we are hosting and preaching.

There is no confusion in identifying Christ’s gospel

There is no confusion in identifying Christ’s gospel, for it is written clearly in the Bible, as far as a Christian’s guideline is the bible.  We have seen the gospel spread across boundaries without any changes or modifications to its look or ideology.


The good news that was told by the apostles is still the good news. No change was made to it. No modification was made to it. It was, and it is about Jesus still. These are the marks of Christ’s gospel.

Against the strange gospel, Christ’s gospel has been changing generations from earthly to heavenly citizens without any exhaustion, while it has been frequently facing terrible to be eliminated.

Internal challenges of Christ’s gospel

Despite the fact that the gospel of Christ is solid, it faces the internal challenge of speeding up its travel. Stiff-naked nature, not having an exemplary Christian life, and the sinking of the church in earthly ideology can be taken as challenges to the speed of the solid gospel of Christ in the church.

So to keep ourselves from being an obstacle to gospel spread, we need to put ourselves even to scarification, striving by prayer and filling with holly spirit.

Sunday’s Service By Pastor Dawit

By Chulo

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