
Being a Stranger means being an immigrant, a foreigner, a temporary resident, a refugee, not belonging, not having citizenship rights, being an outsider, and living on the outskirts of society.

As Christians, the Bible encourages us to live as strangers, free of the influence of belonging to a tribe, without arguing for worldly rights, without worrying about location, fame, fortune, title, the present, the past, and so on, and instead to focus on the eternity that we will live.

We were formerly barred from having citizenship in haven because we were divided from God and were strangers to the covenants of the promise (Ephesians 2:12-13), living in the world without hope or God. This meant we were foreigners to God as well as citizens of the world. But now, via Christ Jesus’ blood, we are brought closer to being citizens of a haven apart from this world.

1 Peter 2:11 Dear friends, since you are immigrants and strangers in the world, I urge that you avoid worldly desires that wage war against your lives. 12 Live honorably among the unbelievers. Today, they defame you, as if you were doing evil. But in the day when God visits to judge they will glorify him, because they have observed your honorable deeds.13 For the sake of the Lord submit to every human institution. Do this whether it means submitting to the emperor as supreme ruler,

14 or to governors as those sent by the emperor. They are sent to punish those doing evil and to praise those doing good. 15 Submit to them because it’s God’s will that by doing good you will silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Do this as God’s slaves, and yet also as free people, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil. 17 Honor everyone. Love the family of believers. Have respectful fear of God. Honor the emperor.

Peter composed the message to teach them this lesson, not because they were unaware of it, but to remind them of it, as they were strangers in this world. Peter had tried to tell them they were strangers in whatever situation they were in, and by avoiding worldly desires, they could train themselves to live righteously among the unbelievers.

They might think about their wealth, poverty, or health; as Peter advised, their status should not be a big deal, for they were strangers too. Therefore, he was telling them, “You are strangers and temporary residents.”

Similarly, for you and me, this world is a place where we live as strangers. The only reason we are living here is to accomplish our great mission. Many of us worry because we forget that we are temporary residents.

We need and are stable in this world, seemingly like those who live in it forever, for we have already missed the reason why we are living. According to the Bible, there are a lot of things that influence our insight regarding being a stranger.

What are things that influence us not to remember that we are strangers?

Spiritual immaturity.

Most of the time, Christians’ spiritual immaturity causes instability in all situations. We should think like Christians even if we are not stable, as long as we are guided by the spirit. Christians should not travel around seeking rest, tranquility, and pleasure.

We are once and for all under the shield of Jesus Christ’s peace. We should assess ourselves to see if we are restless. (John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you; not as the world gives, but as I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid).

Therefore, spiritual immaturity is not only a problem for the individual, but it is a problem for church activities too, for the individual is a part of the church. A spiritually immature Christian always thinks and lives earthly. He is not a stranger to this world.

As the Bible says (Philippians 3:17–22), for those who are from this world, their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame; their mind is set on earthly things. They get corrupted in offices, are happy to fornicate with someone, and… But for those who matured spiritually, every activity would grow into a citizenship of heaven. Therefore, a mature Christian realizes that he is a stranger.

Our spiritual food

Our spiritual food matters to our ability to think, just as the food matters to the growth of the mind. Research indicates some feeding patterns, like the Mediterranean diet, are associated with better mental health than “unhealthy” eating patterns, such as the Western diet. This indicates that feeding patterns have a great influence on thinking and doing things.

The same is true for spirituality. If our spiritual food is spoiled, we start to think earthlyly. Being here and there, being in this church, and being there on another may expose you to contaminated food. As a result, we will stay carnal, not strangers, behaving envying,  strife, and divisions (1 Cor 3:3) greedy, selfish, and unsatisfied.

So, how should we live our days as strangers?

Living by God’s plan and will 1st Peter 2:15

Our ancestors had lived by understanding, as they were strangers. This is known by the fact that they were passed on living according to God’s measurement, as it is written, “And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God” (2Cor 8:5).Living by God’s plan and will is a sign of knowing the status of being a stranger in this world. Therefore, as strangers, we should survive according to God’s will.

As strangers, we should live by waiting for the kingdom in which we are going to live.

For we have a promised land that was built by the hand of God. Let us tell Him, “God, I am waiting for you,” while we are working, serving Him, and so on. When we have the spirit of waiting for the kingdom, we will be ready and careful; we will never resemble earthly.

As strangers, we should live by being sanctified and fearing God (1 Peter 2:11).

This age is the time for us to be neat spiritually, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed (Romans 13:11). Therefore, we should be influential in this dark world.

Sunday Service By Pastor Dawit.

By Chulo

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