Secret of Salvation 2024Secret of Salvation 2024

Salvation is the state of being saved from harm produced by our current situation.  Salvation, according to religious terminology, is being saved from eternal death and transformed holy by trusting in Christ Jesus’ deed on the cross.

It is just believing that Jesus Christ came and died for us, freeing us from sin. It is being saved from sin and its consequences via faith in Christ.  However, there is a lot of misunderstanding regarding salvation today that is not biblical.

Some people feel that salvation can only be obtained through mental knowledge.

Understanding the genuine nature of spiritual activities and liturgies in the church intellectually may show the individual the correct spot to build his spiritual personality firm, but it is not enough to save him. It requires more than just cerebral ability. Of course, mental understanding has a role in the salvation process, which cannot be denied, but this information will never suffice to pass the gate of salvation.      

In the Bible, we may observe a group of people known as scribes and Pharisees, who are Mosel scholars. They are famous for their ability to preach and teach spiritual principles and truths. However, they were unable to provide the people eternal life.

In Matthew 23:13, Jesus condemns them, saying, “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for ye neither go in yourselves, nor suffer those that are entering to go in.”

And Jesus verified that their understanding of the laws and scriptures will not assist them or their fellow believers into eternal life. Because these folks did not apply their understanding by combining trust in Christ and obedience.

Titus 1:16 further indicates that those who know do not deserve salvation unless they maintain their faith and obedience. This is further supported by Romans 1:20, which states, “21 Because when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened,” and John branded them liars (1 John 2:4).

Some people believe that they can only find salvation through their work.

There are numerous religions in the world, and the most of them teach humans that they must work for salvation and attempt to obtain it for them as well. They educate their people to be charitable, to serve others, to do many things for God, and so on, all for the sake of salvation, to gain acceptance in the eyes of God the Savior.

The scribes and Pharisees were the first biblical illustrations of this issue (Matthew 23), but their effort was multiplied by zero on the cross. They had no idea where they were or that they were in the New Testament.

They were colliding by combining the old and new testaments. They were against and on the side of work since they did not know the New Testament and did not believe in Jesus. But we are fortunate; unlike the scribes and Pharisees, the scriptures have clarified the New Testament for us and presented us to Jesus the Savior. According to the New Testament, obeying the law rather than believing in Christ can never lead us to God (Gal 2:21, Romans 3:28, Titus 3:5, Eph 2:8-9).

Some people believe that church rituals can lead to salvation.

Ritual does not extend beyond the performance of church and Bible-mandated ceremonial acts such as singing, serving at Sunday services, baptism, and last supper. These will always follow salvation. No one ought to take part in church rituals before being rescued through Christ.

Most people follow rituals, but they do not know Jesus the Savior. They sing a song, serve at the Sunday service, are baptized, partake in the Last Supper, and proclaim themselves God’s servants, but they had no idea what was going on on the cross.

They don’t know anything other than singing and serving in church. This essay aims to convince such people that there is no life unless they grasp what happened on the cross and who the savior Jesus is (1 Corinthians 11:23-27, Matthew 28:18-20).

Others believe that worshiping angels will bring them salvation.

This is incorrect; the Bible does not locate the method of salvation in angel worship. There is no name under heaven except Jesus for our redemption (Acts 4:12), and God used to save the world only via His born son, because He loved the world (John 3:16).

By Chulo

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