Christian generations of this era look far

Christian generations

This generation seems to be far removed from the reality that is Jesus Christ. Naturally, according to the Bible, people of all times passed by going a great distance from God while searching with their tongues closer to God. God saw that Christian generations were only talking about how we glorified God and how they only feared Him because of what they had heard about Him, according to Isaiah29:13–16. 

However, upon introspection, God saw that their hearts were far from his will. Instead of coming to a stop at old age, this story continued into the Christ era, where Jesus reiterated the admonition in agreement with Isaiah (Matthew 15:8 and Mark 7:6). Even though we live in the New Testament era and study both the Old and New Testaments, we continue to be reprimanded for the same transgressions as Isaiah’s generation. 

The Bible demanded that Christian generations gaze to Jesus.

All of this indicates that, despite the fact that it is not optional, we do not have Jesus’s appearance. Imitating the celebrity of pastors and church leaders is rather simple, but the real challenge starts when one aspires to resemble Jesus. The Bible mandated that we look at Jesus. Paul attempted to concentrate on Jesus’s appearance for this reason. 1 Corinthians 11:1. “Be like me in that I am a follower of Christ.” Jesus’ actions demonstrated a variety of virtues, such as sharing his sufferings for the sake of the gospel, loving and praying for our adversaries, and forgiving others. 

Therefore, it’s crucial to consider whether we have an embodiment of Christ in us, starting with such embodied looks of Jesus. As stated in 1 Corinthians 11:1, we should once more consider if we truly are Jesus’ fellow citizens. These inquiries ought to constantly worry us since God’s top priority is for you and me to see His son.

Christian generations should look to the Holy Spirit.

Things are not always as simple as we have been told or taught to do. Things are quite difficult in Christianity for Christian generations in particular because there is a demon opposed. For this reason, we require the Holy Spirit in order to follow Jesus during our time on this earth.

No one can be powerful by themselves, according to God’s word; all that is required of us is that we bring ourselves to be willing and dedicated to becoming more like Christ. The Holy Spirit is the agent in this instance; He is also the source of power and intercession.  Rom. 8:26 “Similarly, the Spirit aids us in our afflictions because we are unable to pray for the things we ought to, but the Spirit itself intercedes on our behalf with groans that are beyond words.”

Shakespeare’s statement illustrates this well saying “It is no good giving me a play like Hamlet or King Lear and telling me to write a play like that. Shakespeare could do it—I can’t. And it is no good showing me a life like the life of Jesus and telling me to live a life like that. Jesus could do it—I can’t. But if the genius of Shakespeare could come and live in me, then I could write plays like this. And if the Spirit could come into me, then I could live a life like His.”

By Chulo

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