God’s intention is our peace and rest in him.

God wants us to be at tranquility and rest in Him.

Saying the word “shalom” is not only saying “peace.” It’s filled with a lot of messages. A guy from Hebrew who bids you farewell or welcomes you with “Shalom” is wishing for absolute peace and wellbeing. He is sending you blessings to be the spirit upon you, or he is wishing you health and wealth.

So, the word “shalom” conjured up images of more than just one designated peace. The meaning of this bundle of shalom is for you and me. During our time here on earth, God is tasked to provide us with His peace, with the only condition being that we draw near to Him. God needs to live in peace and rest through Jesus Christ. Returning to God’s purpose is important because He will ultimately grant us serenity and rest.

Why do we no longer experience God’s rest and serenity?

We have been hearing a lot of screams and conflicts, battling and arguments, starvation and fear, rapes and hijackings, mass killings and robbings; our world is always dreadful. Things are still going as they are right now. We already disregard the terms “rest” and “peace” in our world.

All of this is the seed that was sown. This suggests that the lack of serenity and relaxation in our world is a result of our environment rather than a gift from God. Divorce from God’s intention is the result of our nature’s disobedience.

Who is worthy of peace?

We are therefore apart from God, which explains why we are losing God’s serenity and rest and have to live without them. Naturally, it appears that we are closer because we are constantly present at church and serve during Sunday services, but when we return home, there is never even a moment of tranquility.

The rationale is that, although we reside in the church, we are separated from God’s original design, the source of God’s gladness, and the area where God first made provision for us. Thus, we ought to return to the location where God first put us in order to regain our tranquility. For there is God’s intention and enjoyment in our initial location.

Let me ask a question: Is peace deserved for this world? Does the Bible tell us to get rest and tranquility from this world?

Not at all! Jesus told us, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you,” making it very evident that the peace we have received from this world is false and unauthentic. Instead, true peace will come from Jesus himself.

According to John 14:27, “Let not your heart be afraid or troubled.” The poem makes it clear that peacefulness is not what we should expect in this world. Additionally, Jesus said, “Do not be afraid because there is no peace in the world.”

Given that Jesus stated in John 16:33 that there is never tranquility in this world, do we really need to pray for this world? Not in my opinion! Instead, we appear as a sign of tranquility for this world, as we are light for those in darkness and salt for those who are not sweet.

Who is worthy of peace?

By experiencing the serenity and rest that Jesus offers, we are here to condemn this world and proclaim, “Hello world, because you have not Jesus, you are in terrible, no tranquility and rest.” Beyond this, there is nothing we can do to save the dreadful state of the globe and preserve zone peacefulness. This indicates that the prayer for peace is directed toward us rather than the tainted world.

According to Ephesians 4:3, “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” refers to maintaining personal tranquility. God desires for everyone to live in tranquility, therefore those who follow Him can also expect to live in peace and rest. However, since Satan is the one who owned this corrupted world, it is not his will for people to live in tranquility.

Who is worthy of peace?


In conclusion, those of us who believe in the source Jesus deserve rest and tranquility! It is rightfully ours, but in order to obtain it, we must return to the spot where God first put us and where His will was, after which we can rest and unwind in peace. Jer 6:16 According to what the Lord says, “Stand in the ways, look around, and ask for the old paths—where is the good way—and walk therein, and you will find rest for your souls.” However, they declared, “We will not walk there.”

By Chulo

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